Monday, September 24, 2012

Sorry for the neglect

So, u thought I was done huh? Well surprise surprise not so :)

I'm back and this time it's with purpose...It's not about just fitness for me. It's more about learning about myself as a person. I thought that by running a 100k ultramarathon I had my shit sorted! Not the case. once again this thing called the attainment of fitness throws back at me the fact that there's more to learn, more to achieve. That's what I love about it :) That's why I won't ly down without a fight. Besides it much more dynamic to stand up and fight then to ly down and give up right??

One goal I've set for myself is to get my 100kg 1rm back squat post pregnancy. Here's a video of me doing 2 reps of 95kg so not far off. It was taken just last week.

Felt soooo good to being going heavy again! Yay!! I'll make sure I post updates as I go.
Sorry blog for abandoning you for so long :) I've been kinda busy with this little Miss. She gets cuter by the day!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

60 Things about me...

Below are 60 things you don't know about me. Been pondering how well we ever truly know somebody. It astounds me that you can be good friends with someone for years and still not know that much about them. Wouldn't life be easier if we made list of facts about ourselves, things especially that are hard to bring up in conversation and swapped them with friends. Such conversation starters for one.

Here's mine and please don't judge me, or do, I don't really care. Our past is what makes us the person we are today, warts and all and most of the time I'm pretty happy with where I am today :)

Ask yourself today, who are you? What makes up your list?

1. I enjoy my own company
2. I always try to seek the good in people.
3. If I can't see the good than I want to find out why that person isn't good anymore. I try to justify it for them.
4. I love my cat more than any human should love an animal
5. Sunshine makes me happy
6. Working up a sweat at the gym makes me happy
7. Working up a sweat whilst not working out makes me very unhappy
8. I don't like the heat/ humidity
9. Alot of the time I don't feel like training but all of the time I'm happy that I did
10. I love books and always have
11. I used to spend alot of lunch breaks at primary school in the library
12. I don't make good friends easily
13. It takes me a long time to build trust with someone
14. I've always wanted to swap brains with someone for a day to see how other people think
15. Everyday I miss my nan. Sometimes when I wake up and I remember that she's not here anymore I feel the physical pain in my heart first
16. When I was little I used to wake up thinking I could hear my nans voice in the kitchen because I used to really want her to be there
17. I never get bored
18. I believe in angels even though I've never seen one, I've felt them
19. I believe I'm here for a reason, but I'm not sure why yet
20. I survived a horrific car crash between me and a truck. That's one of the reasons I believe in angels, one of then saved me
21. I love all kinds of flowers and buy myself a bunch each week
22. I hate scary movies
23. I have known the depths of despair
24. I have come out the other side a better person
25. I have suffered from depression
26. I was a wayward teenager
27. I lost my virginity to someone I didn't even like that much
28. Sometimes I run just so I can think things through
29. Sometimes I run just so I can stop thinking
30. My thoughts quite often drive me crazy and I wish sometimes I had an off button
31. I wish I'd treated my body with more respect earlier in life
32. I hated being pregnant
33. I love my little girl more than life itself
34. Everyday I marvel that I made her and at how incredible that is
35. I try to smile at her everyday even when sometimes I don't feel happy
36. I'm addicted to Facebook
37. I often forget how old I am
38. Sometimes I like to delibrately make life hard for myself and take the long hard way to do things
39. I ran a 100km trail run race once
40. I hardly ever watch movies, only when I'm at home sick
41. The thing that scares me most in life is regrets
42. People disapoint me a lot and people inspire me a lot
43. I spend too much money and its the main bone of contention between my husband and I
44. I like buying things
45. I like my husband
46. See my dilemma
47. I dislike ball sports, both doing them and watching them
48. I have known pure bliss. I was on my own playing in the waves
49. I've never been on a blind date
50. I nearly shot herion once but that same angel stopped me
51. I'm not a fan of heights
52. I wish I could cure a loved one of a mental illness
53. There's a lot of things I'll never put on this list
54. My favourite colour is yellow. It's my lucky colour
55. When I run and I'm getting tired I start counting the steps starting from a random number
56. I only get up when my alarm clocks turns to a number divisible by five
57. I tend to do things in extreme
58. I rarely cry but when I do I mean it
59. I like routine
60. I smoked a packet of cigarrettes for 10 years