Tuesday, March 20, 2012

week 5 post partum

Monday 12.3.12 HF workout
30:30 x 8 sets
SDHP with kettle bell @ 16kg
Barbell push press @ 25kg
Hori row under rings

Tuesday 13.3.12
Hour of power (olympic lifting)

Wednesday 14.3.12
tabata double unders =average score of 12 per round
Agility/ stair climbs x 10 sets
tababta sit ups=averaged 9 per round

Saturday 17.3.12 Crossfit open workout
AMRAP in 12mins
150 wall balls @ 6kg
30 double unders
30 muscle ups

Completed 150 wall balls and 22 double unders

Heres the video link :)


Only got 4 sessions in this week have been a bit slack and my body is feeling very mushy because of it. I really have to get back into it in a bigger way. Had visions of being way fitter by now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 4 post partum training

Monday 5.3.12 HF workout
5rm push press @ 40kg x 5 sets
This felt heavy!

Squat cleans @ 40kg
Double unders
Time: 12:15

Tuesday 6.3.12 HF workout
Hour of power...olympic lifting

split jerk
front squats

Wednesday 7.3.12 HF workout
Endurance 2, 4, 8, 16, 16, 8, 4, 2

Knees to elbows
Jack knifes on swiss ball
Kb swings @ 16kg
walking lunges (unweighted)
Time: 20 something mins

Sat 10.3.12 Crossfit open workout
AMRAP in 18 mins of
15 x box jumps 20 inch
12 x push press @ 35kg
9 x toes to bar
Did 3 rounds plus 27 reps.

This felt way hard and felt like I started off with a really low energy level. I really wanted to stop not even 5 mins into it. My head wasn't in the right place at all. This was the first time that I really wanted to quit and go home. Had a bit of a cry after...partly because I sucked so much and I was in mourning for the old me, and partly due to lack of sleep, big time. Things surely can only get better from here. Lets hope so :)

Anyhow for what it's worth here is the link to the video of this god forsaken wod!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

3 weeks postpartum training

26.2.12 HF workout

30:30 x 8 sets = 24 mins
walking lunges with 8kg dumbbells
strict pull ups (used green and orange bands)
Repitilian push ups

29.2.12 HF workout
40:20 x 8 sets
kb front squat @ 16kg
push up on toes
Hori pull under rings

1.3.12 HF workout
Hour of power olympic lifting class
worked on
power clean 5 sts x 5 reps @ 70% arm = 40kgs
hang snatch 5 sets x 5 reps @ 70% 1rm= 30kg

3.3.12 Crossfit games open wod 12.2
10 min to complete the following;
snatch 30 reps x 20kg
snatch 30 reps x 35kg
snatch 30 reps x 45kg
snatch 30 reps x 55kg

Here's the video of the workout


My score was 60 reps! I didn't end up getting 45kg over my head...bugger :( I had a few attempts but I think my technique was lacking which I suppose was understandable seeing I haven't done any heavy snatches over the course of the pregnancy so happy enough..well kind of. Are we ever happy with our performances? I think its human nature to think of how you could of done better isn't it? I think that the day I don't think like this is the day its all over and I call it quits and find another hobby.

I'm trying to not expect too much of myself at the moment but that's hard. I want to be magically back where I was 9 months ago now. Trying to get my head around all the work I have to do to get back there and it is a little overwhelming. I haven't trained as much as I thought I would of so far. I have to make an effort to get something in each day. Maybe I'll start running again a little bit. Just a a few 5k's here and there, nothing like I used to do. I'm really finding that my cardio is lacking at the moment and Im craving something huffy and puffy. I think I need to run, I feel ok so maybe I'll give it a go sometime this week...hmmm

Little Princess Jetta is going well. She's the cutest :) She's like my little dolly, I get to play dress ups with her. Here's a recent pic of her...

Jetta had her very first photo shoot with Trudy from 'Imagine by Trudes'. Thanks Trudes :) She loved it, she was a bit of a diva though and wasn't keen on all the costume changes haha I think this one is my favourite :)

Here's the link to Trudy's blogspot.

Be sure to check her out!