Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 10 post partum training

Monday 16th
HF workout
40:40 x 6 sets
Thrusters @ 25kg
SDHP with 20kg kettle bell
multi directional lunges with med ball rotation @ 5kg

Tues 17th
Hour of power
mucked around with snatch and overhead squat
light weights focusing on technique...Ive picked up some bad habits during pregnancy

Wed 18th
30:30 x 6 sets
ring dips (yellow band)
bench press @ 30kg
strict press @ 20kg

Thurs 19th
21,15, 9
KGB swings @16kg
Med ball slams 63, 45, 27
400 m run
Time: 13:10

Fri 20th
Back squats x10 reps x 10 rounds @ 50kg
Max reps on last set = 20
Static lunges 10 to 1 @ 16kg
Walking lunges with 16kg Kb

Sat 21st
8 x rounds
5 x knees to elbows
10 x push ups
20x med ball slams
Time: 18 min

Overall happy with the 6 sessions I got in this week. The quality of work could of been better in a few of them but the frequency was there and running is staring to feel less foreign.

I was also more mindful of my nutrition this week and I felt the difference in my training with regards to my energy levels. Had no chocolate all week!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Myth 3 debunked! 98% of women can successfully breastfeed...

Bullshit! I found that statistic from the Australian Breast-feeding Association and I beg to differ. I have no real statistics of my own to support my claim and I suppose I come from an emotional stand point currently, but I have met too many people experiencing the same issue as me for this percentage to be real. Speaking with other people in the same situation, and hearing there struggles is what has inspired me to write this post. If someone reads this and feels less alone, less like they are the only one out there, then my job here is done. I suppose it's also a bit cathartic for me too.

My issue is low milk supply...never thought that breast feeding would be such an issue for me and prior to having Jetta never really gave much thought to the whole thing. People would ask me if I was going to breastfeed and I'd say 'yeh probably' thinking it was something that would be easy. Wrong!

I discovered the supply issue on about day 3 in hospital after giving birth as she was very unsettled. She had lost more than 10% of her birth weight so I was advised to comp (top up) her with formula. I was reluctant to do this but every time she cried my heart would break. The more stressed and tired I got the worst the situation seemed to get. By Saturday (Day 6) I was delirious from lack of sleep and did what I could to get some sleep.

I asked myself so many questions as to why this was happening to me. Every midwife on all the different shifts had different advice on what I should do. How confusing. This issue seems to be sucking all of the joy that I should of been feeling from having this beautiful little girl in my arms but instead I felt over whelmed. I felt scared that I couldn't console her...a mother is supposed to be able to comfort her child and breastfeeding is such a natural way to do that. What happens now I didn't have that tool. Would I just like any other person to her with no real reason to be...just another person trying to rock her to sleep. Would we have no special bond if I couldn't offer her my breast. Why did I have to think about all of this.

So what we have had to do is comp feed her at every feed, that is breastfeed first then offer her a bottle of formula which she sucks down like there no tomorrow. Drives a steak through my heart very time. Every time she cries whilst feeding is another knife through my heart. I never thought it would be like this. I have such guilt that I have to give her crappy formula. I liken it to me eating organic food and then giving her an inferior product. Every time I have to feed her formula in public I feel ashamed. The eyes staring at me accusingly are I'm sure just in my head, but they are there as they exist in my head. I'm not mother enough to be able to provide for my baby and she's just so little, she has no say in the matter. She has no option as to her nutritional start in life.

I treasure the time that we do breastfeed. It might not last for much longer as she may eventually lose interest and only take a bottle. I gaze down at her on my breast and I feel an overwhelming sense of love for her and I try to will my milk to her, I will it to flow in abundance. I lean down and I whisper to her that I'm sorry that I can't provide for her but promise to give her everything else that I possible can. Love, endless cuddles, ponies haha! She looks up at me her little mouth full of milk with that milk drunk look and I pretend just for a moment that its enough, that I'm enough, and I try to soak up this moment and lock it away in my memory where I'll keep it forever.

It's hard not to think about all the years that I've nourished my body with good nutrition and movement and wonder what it has done for me? It's failed me on the most important job it can do. It's failed to nourish my baby and give her the best start in life, but I know I can't think like that. My training is what has saved my sanity over and over's just frustrating. Yes maybe I'm giving myself a hard time and of course some days are worse than others, but somehow nothing anyone says consoles me. Yes, I know that I've done all that I can and I'm trying not to feel guilt. A work in progress. It's all a work in progress...

Week 9 post partum

Monday 9th April HF workout
push ups
kb swings @ 20kg
v sit ups
150m run

Time: 18min something

Tues 10th HF workout
30:30 x 6 sets
1 arm pull and rotate
1 arm snatch
lunge press

Wed 12th HF workout
20 min AMRAP
1:1 work and rest

5 squat slams
25 double unders
Did about 7 or 8 rounds...didn't time correctly

Friday 13th Hf workout

Started this workout but got interrupted by Jetta through 2 rounds, better than nothing I suppose.
40:40:40 rest at end of round for 40
interval sprints
mountain climbers
lateral plate step overs

Sat 14th Hf workout
every minute on the minute for 20 mins
5 dumbbell burpees
10 lunge throw downs
15 weight plate to overhead @ 15kg
20 touch jumps

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 8 post partum training

Monday 2nd April
30:30 x 6 rounds (with the boys)
1 arm bent over row with kb 12kg
Double kb floor press @ 14kg
Deadlift @ 50kg
Lunge and 1 arm press with kb @ 10kg
Russian twist on SB with DB @ 8kg

Tuesday 3rd April HF session
40:20 x 8 rounds
Walking lunges with weight plate @ 10kg
Pull ups strict using bands
Push ups mostly on toes

This felt way hard. Actually every single workout feels way hard at the moment. It's all harder than I thought. I suppose I came back and expected to feel so much lighter and stronger only to find it harder than when I was pregnant. I don't know maybe it was because I had an excuse then where as now I have none...its all up to me.

Thursday 4th April HF session
5 x rounds
40 x double unders
20 x kb swings @ 16kg
10 x pull ups

Started with double unders and quickly subbed to singles as I could not string any together today. Swings were ok and the pull ups sucked. Started doing kips then added a band to them. Overall this workout felt soooo hard. Totally lost any sort of dedication and gave up at 4 x rounds then proceeded to beat myself up over it. Had a bit of a cry on the way home...that's becoming a habit of late. Hormones?? Don't think Ive ever given up during a workout and I won't forget that I did today, not a nice feeling. I have to remember that the next time I think about giving up...

On the upside Princess Jetta is getting more beautiful with each passing day :)

Saturday 6th april HF workout
20:40 x 8 sets

Push press @ 20kg
air squats
touch jumps
rope shakes
circular med ball slams

Hard workout but felt good

Sunday 8th April
5 sets of 10 reps
pull up kips
ring dips yellow band

1 arm floor press @ 16kg
1 arm bent over row @ 12kg

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week 7 post partum

Tuesday 27.3.12
17 min AMRAP
5 x jumping pull ups
10 x box step ups
5 x jump back burpees

Got 9 rounds plus 20 reps
Enjoyed this one.

Wednesday 28.3.12
Did session with Shane. Thanks Shane :) Took Jetta along too but she only let me get half way thru and I had to feed her. If she wasn't so damn cute I'd smack her lol

10 to 1 reps of Deadlifts progressing in weight each round. Started at 50kg and added 5kg each round till 100kg for last rep.
8 x Bench press with kettle bells @ 12kg

Thursday 29.3.12
Unilateral strength 30:30 (no rest) x 7 sets
single leg deadlift with kettle bell @ 16kg
Single arm pull with rotation
single arm snatch with kettle bell @ 12kg

This one felt way hard! Don't know I think I felt it more cause I was super tired.

Jetta slept through the night past night...well from 11:30 till 4ish. I was excited!!

Friday 30.3.12
Did session with Mikey, was awesome fun thanks
Did 3 bars of death which is
3 x deadlifts
3 x power cleans
3 x thrusters
We set up 3 bars each and worked thru each bar then the rest was time it took to load bars up each round. Did 5 rounds. Got to about 95kg for reads and 45 kg for cleans and thrusters. Loved this workout :)

What is your 'Why'?

I've been pondering a lot lately about my 'why' and it's got me thinking about whether those around me think about this stuff too. Do you think about this? What is your why? You know, what is it that drives you to do what it is you do each and everyday. Yes we all have things that we must do but what about those things that we choose to do and do with passion...these are our 'why's'. Do you train your body to fit into your favorite jeans or is it to increase your energy levels? Why do you do it?

Someone commented the other day that it must mean alot to me to fit back into my skinny jeans, as I am back to training so fast after Jetta. It got me thinking...yes of course looking good is part of the motivation but if that was the only reason I would of given up way before now lol. Looking good isn't enough to make me train hard when I've only had 4 hours sleep. I have to have a bigger 'why'.

Make mountains feel like molehills...even if you are being stampeded by lamas!

I train so that obstacles in my life seem like molehills not mountains. What I come up against inside the walls of the gym are nothing compared to what obstacles I've faced in my life. If I can triumph over that killer workout and come out the winner then nothing can touch me in life. I think this is my why. This is what feeds my soul, that gives me inspiration, that gives my life meaning and substance. These are the things that help me to do tasks and accomplish feats that I never thought possible.

Then I started thinking about why we often get stuck in jobs we hate. Why don't we do what we love?What is it that you love? What gives you your substance. What is it that enables you to lose yourself in the moment. If you don't know or think you don't have it then your mission in life is to find it!! Life is pretty bland without it.

In my job the 'why' is pretty important both for me and for my clients. Knowing your 'why' helps you push out that last rep when you think you can't do. It overrides the pain your body is feeling and helps you to push harder than you thought possible. Without that why your really just going through the motions.

I love my job!! I really do. I feel really lucky and of the minority to be able to say that and truly mean it. I've been in jobs before where I was happy enough but never felt like I was contributing all that much to anyone. I also studied for a long time to do that job so stayed in it way past its expiry date through fear of having wasted all that time. Fact is we are wasting every moment that we don't feel alive. So many people go through the day to day work week thinking that there is no other way and I used to think the same believe me. If you love what you do there will be no such thing as work. Ever again! Think about that! How awesome.

Find what it is that makes the time go quick. Do what makes you feel awesome. Do what puts a smile on your face and on someone else's. Isn't that what we are all here to do? Find what we can each contribute to the world to make it a better place :)

Make it a priority to find your why!! Start pondering now!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 6 post partum

Monday 19.3.12 HF workout
sumo deadlift high pull with barbell @ 30kg
bear crawl
knees to elbows
Got down to round 6...this workout felt pretty hard. Low energy today

Tuesday 20.3.12 Hour of power (Olymic lifting)
Worked on
Power cleans
hang power snatch
Snatch grip deadlifts

Kept weight light

Wednesday 21.3.12 
reps 10-1
Toes through rings
100m sprint (every round)
Sled pull with 35kg load x 2 times 10m length every round)
V sit ups
Time: 28mins something

Changed toes to rings to hanging leg raises half way through as I was straining my lumbar region.

Friday 23.3.12 Pt session
Reps 10-1
Max double unders each round
Deadlifts with increase in weight each round...started at 40kg and progressed to 85kg
Kettlebell swings @ 16kg

Saturday 24.3.12 Crossfit open workout
Thrusters @ 30kg 3 then 6 then 9 then 12 then 15.....increase in increments of 3 till time up of 7 mins
Chest to bar pull ups 3 then 6 then 9 then 12....

Score: 5! Not a big score at all :( As i was finishing my 2nd pull up I hit my chin on the bar and cut my tongue and there was blood everywhere. If I was a bit more hardcore I would of spat off to the side and kept on going but I'm not so that was my final score lol

Here's the link to the video albeit short one