Monday, April 16, 2012

Myth 3 debunked! 98% of women can successfully breastfeed...

Bullshit! I found that statistic from the Australian Breast-feeding Association and I beg to differ. I have no real statistics of my own to support my claim and I suppose I come from an emotional stand point currently, but I have met too many people experiencing the same issue as me for this percentage to be real. Speaking with other people in the same situation, and hearing there struggles is what has inspired me to write this post. If someone reads this and feels less alone, less like they are the only one out there, then my job here is done. I suppose it's also a bit cathartic for me too.

My issue is low milk supply...never thought that breast feeding would be such an issue for me and prior to having Jetta never really gave much thought to the whole thing. People would ask me if I was going to breastfeed and I'd say 'yeh probably' thinking it was something that would be easy. Wrong!

I discovered the supply issue on about day 3 in hospital after giving birth as she was very unsettled. She had lost more than 10% of her birth weight so I was advised to comp (top up) her with formula. I was reluctant to do this but every time she cried my heart would break. The more stressed and tired I got the worst the situation seemed to get. By Saturday (Day 6) I was delirious from lack of sleep and did what I could to get some sleep.

I asked myself so many questions as to why this was happening to me. Every midwife on all the different shifts had different advice on what I should do. How confusing. This issue seems to be sucking all of the joy that I should of been feeling from having this beautiful little girl in my arms but instead I felt over whelmed. I felt scared that I couldn't console her...a mother is supposed to be able to comfort her child and breastfeeding is such a natural way to do that. What happens now I didn't have that tool. Would I just like any other person to her with no real reason to be...just another person trying to rock her to sleep. Would we have no special bond if I couldn't offer her my breast. Why did I have to think about all of this.

So what we have had to do is comp feed her at every feed, that is breastfeed first then offer her a bottle of formula which she sucks down like there no tomorrow. Drives a steak through my heart very time. Every time she cries whilst feeding is another knife through my heart. I never thought it would be like this. I have such guilt that I have to give her crappy formula. I liken it to me eating organic food and then giving her an inferior product. Every time I have to feed her formula in public I feel ashamed. The eyes staring at me accusingly are I'm sure just in my head, but they are there as they exist in my head. I'm not mother enough to be able to provide for my baby and she's just so little, she has no say in the matter. She has no option as to her nutritional start in life.

I treasure the time that we do breastfeed. It might not last for much longer as she may eventually lose interest and only take a bottle. I gaze down at her on my breast and I feel an overwhelming sense of love for her and I try to will my milk to her, I will it to flow in abundance. I lean down and I whisper to her that I'm sorry that I can't provide for her but promise to give her everything else that I possible can. Love, endless cuddles, ponies haha! She looks up at me her little mouth full of milk with that milk drunk look and I pretend just for a moment that its enough, that I'm enough, and I try to soak up this moment and lock it away in my memory where I'll keep it forever.

It's hard not to think about all the years that I've nourished my body with good nutrition and movement and wonder what it has done for me? It's failed me on the most important job it can do. It's failed to nourish my baby and give her the best start in life, but I know I can't think like that. My training is what has saved my sanity over and over's just frustrating. Yes maybe I'm giving myself a hard time and of course some days are worse than others, but somehow nothing anyone says consoles me. Yes, I know that I've done all that I can and I'm trying not to feel guilt. A work in progress. It's all a work in progress...


  1. Tysha, I cried reading this. I totally 100% hear you. I have a really good book about it which goes through all the different possible causes of low supply. The supply = demand theory is just BS. I would like to say don't beat yourself up about it, but you will, as you will over several million other things, probably for the rest of your life. Welcome to motherhood!

    I've always had low supply, and it's taken me until baby number 4 to accept that formula is ok and sometimes necessary. I refused to give any to by second bub before 6 months and he was so skinny and so hungry, so I feel guilty about that anyway! You can't win.

    I do love talking about babies, boobs and breastfeeding though so please give me a call if you ever want to chat (or vent or just have a cry).

    Bec xx

  2. I am sorry to hear this Tysh, mainly because of the issues ur having. U recall i had Ariella neally 6 weeks early via c-section, so my body never went through a birthing process and wheni felt pushed by the nurses to breastfeed ( as my specialist said to do what i felt at the time as we neally lost her and he was worried about the pressure ) but i gave in and started pumping, nothing came out, i did it for two weeks till i got mastitis, this was the most horrific thing, i had it for 6 months and the scar was cleared from surgery before that left my body. In the NICU they had to feed her through a tube so she never had a chance to breastfeed in the tradional nature anyway! My point after my novel is, that no matter how much she is Daddy's/Pa's/Nannies/Uncles or anyone elses girl, she always is always wanting to be with me, i am bonded with her because i have unconditional love for her and that isn't transfered through ur breastmilk :( I am raising two of someones else biological children, both girls were breastfed, didn't make their mother love them or make them love her any other way. I reckon i can vouch for you as a mummy, because u were mothering me for as long as i can remember, lol, Jetta will love you because of you, not what your feeding her, so don't be so hard on yourself xxxxx

  3. Thanks Amber :) i'm feeling a whole lot better about the whole thing with each passing week. She's 3 months old now and I'm just thankful that I've been able to BF for this long.

    I can remember you were like a little dolly when u were little :) so cute, still are xxx
