Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to the world little princess

I'd like to introduce you to our little princess Miss Jetta Gwendalyn Grady. She was born on the 7th February eleven days early of her due date. I had predicted, throughout this pregnancy, this date for delivery as it is the birth date of my nan who I was very close to, who passed away 3 years ago. I knew that somehow my nan would make it happen this way and I was convinced of it. She would be loving that Jetta has her name as her middle name. She would of loved that she surprised everyone like this especially my husband who wouldn't belive me when I told him she was coming on this date. I dream of my nan, and in my dreams she's often giving me a gift but I can never make out what she's giving me. Now I know. Thank you nan for such a devine gift you have safely delivered to me.

Signs of impending labour started on the morning of the 7th at about 2am. I started having contractions about 15 mins apart so rang the hospital as suggested in our antenatal classes.  and they told me I wasn't in labour yet and to call back when contractions were 5 mins apart. They suggested I try to get some sleep which wasn't really possible. She said I wouldnt be dialitaing yet.

As per usual I started googling my symptoms and decided that they were pre labour contractions as they were getting a bit more sporadic with the timing typical of pre labour. Google also said this stage could go on for 1 day or it could continue for a week! I would not of been a happy chappy if it went on for a week like this but I could handle a day. It also said that when I started to contemplate pain relief it was probably the real thing. I wasn't at that stage yet. The pain was in my lumbar so I grabbed my hot water bottle and tried to relax. I sent Daniel off to work in the morning suggesting that he maybe come home early.

Throughout the day they backed off at about 10am and I did get an hours sleep and then they started again and got closer in duration and severity. It was getting harder to get up refill my hot water bottle between contractions. Called Daniel at about 3 to tell him to start making his way home and by the time he got home at about 5 I was ready. I think by that stage the neighbours could probably hear me moaning. Daniel decided at about this time to iron some shirts for his hospital stay lol and handed me the cat for one last cuddle! He was still in denial that it was happening today.

Had 2 massive contractions in the car where I felt a pushing reflex and just as we pulled up out the front of the hospital my waters broke. Made our way into the lifts and some poor guy in there made his way into the corner, well cowered a better description.

Got to the delivery suite and the midwife did the usual checks etc and then handed me the gas. I tried to use it for two contractions but wasn't getting any as wasn't sucking it in right. She suggested I start pushing but quickly ran to call my obstetrician so she could come. She checked and felt the babies head and told me your about to have this baby now! Wow ok!

My doctor got there in record time just as I was about to push. Pushing was the hardest part of all this so far. It was definitely the primal part of all of this. Noises that came from me sounded strange even to me. It was the only way I could make it through this part. I kept fighting against the push down as it was really hurt...I pushed 5 or 6 times and there I had it... A baby was thrust up into my arms and I was a mum. From the time I got to the hospital to her being born was 25mins. I heard the midwife comment later that it took longer to fill out the paperwork than it did for me to give birth!

Our princess Jetta was born at 6:12pm @ 3.66kg, 51cm long. The following half hour was a bit of blur of stitches, delivering a placenta and gazing at my baby. So surreal!!

Spent the better part of the week in hospital getting little sleep and getting acquainted with our baby. She is such a little princess and we can't stop marveling at every little thing she does. Was good to finally get home albeit a little nerve racking. Life will never be the same...


  1. I cried reading this! Well done mummy.
    Enjoy every second it goes way to fast.

  2. Also would love to read how your recovery ig going since you worked out all the way through.

  3. Thank you! You must of read my mind as my next post will be all about my exercise plans post partum...did my first workout today exactly 2 weeks post birth. Felt pretty good. All up I only had 16 days without exercise so I think Im pretty lucky :) stay tuned!
