Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 34

Tuesday 10.1.12 hf workout
40:20 x 10 rounds
Sumo deadlift high pull barbell @ 20kg
Push up (did at least 5 on toes then knees and used paralettes) felt way hard

Love these couplet sessions. Chest felt smashed the day after. I miss feeling DOMS.

Wednesday 11.1.12 hf workout
Endurance session 15 reps to 1
Thruster barbell @ 15kg
Hanging leg raises
Row 100m

Time: 31 mins

I would of preferred to run but played it safe instead and rowed. I haven't really tried running since last time I did it and felt an uncomfortable pressure in the pelvic area. Funny though as double unders still feel ok and that's a ballistic movement also.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I have noticed that my feet hurt a lot though. All the extra weight through them I suppose. It does feel good to rub peppermint foot lotion in at the end of the day and well...feet like new in the morning. Couldn't imagine being on my feet working a retail job at this point. Horrible!

Thursday 12th Jan-Hf class
10 reps x 10 sets
Barbell deadlifts @50kg (did sumo stance deads)
Hanging straight leg raises
Barbell clean and press @ 20kg
Time: 15mins something...

Friday 13th Pt session
40:20 x 5 sets
Lunge with med ball partner throw with rotation
Pull under rings with rotation
Push up with rotation (used the paralettes on knees)
Kettlebell 12kg bent over row

Heres a link to a video of this workout :) enjoy!

Here's me comparing myself to a medicine ball! haha

1 comment:

  1. Such a GREAT photo Tysh!! Love how we originally got the 2kg MB first then went "Ummm maybe get the 9kg" haha
