Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 35

Firstly here's a recent pic of me at the gym. An awesome photographer Trudy Ely took some shots. She does a top job. Check out her blog for more of her work...

Monday 16th Jan HF class
Endurance session
Kb swings 16kg (all unbroken)
20inch box step ups (reps each leg)
Medicine ball slams
Bike 600m
Time: 17:39

Also did max ring dips in 3 mins. Did 28 with yellow band

Tuesday 17th Jan HF class
40:20 x 8 sets
walking lunges (did 10kg dumbbells squat and press instead)
Pull up using orange and green band
Push up on paralettes (did first 5 on toes then onto knees)

Wednesday 18th Jan Crossfit mom workout
20min AMRAP
4 x pull ups with orange band some kipping
4 x ring dips with yellow band
8 x push ups on paralettes on toes
12 x 1 arm kb swing 12kg bell

Did 4 rounds and that felt like enough

Thursday 19th Jan HF class
40:20 x 8 sets
1 leg box squat
Strict barbell press @ 20kg
KB front squats @ 16kg

Friday 20th Jan Pt session
10 to 1
Bench press @ 25kg
Med ball slams @ 4kg (rep range x 3)
Strict pull ups using green and orange bands

I feel happy to still be managing 5 days a week of training. I'm consistent if nothing else which has to serve me well at some point.

Daniel and I attended antenatal classes this week. They were interesting. It was good to hear more about what to expect in labour with the different stages of labour discussed in more detail. Knowledge is power and its reassuring to at least have an idea of how much longer will be left! On the other hand sometimes not knowing too much is better. Hmmm not sure which I'd prefer. I plan to just go with the flow. It seems to be an event in your life in which you have not much control over so I see no point in stressing out over what your birth plan might be. People seem to get disappointed when things don't go to plan. The only thing I'd like to avoid would be a caesarian birth but from what the midwife was saying they are becoming more the norm which is an interesting fact.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug Tysha. . It was my pleasure too photograph you working out xx.
