Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 32- Merry Xmas!!

Its Xmas time!!! I have a feeling that no other Xmas I have the will ever be the might of been my last ever sleep in on a xmas morning...

26.12.11 HF Xmas workout
Did a Xmas workout called 12 days of Xmas. You start on day 1 and work your way through the 12 days of xmas and as you work up the ladder you do each day working backwards then jump up to the next level.  It was a a fun workout.
1 x 100m sprint (power walked instead)
2 x strict press @ 25kg
3 x squat cleans @ 25kg
4 x pull ups with green band
5 x box jumps (did step ups)
6 x push ups(used paralettes to get full range)
7 x kb swings @ 12kg
8 x bur pees (skipped these as they really hurt my rib)
9 x Sit ups (did on swiss ball)
10 x wall balls
11 x knees to elbows (straight hanging leg raises)
12 x power snatch @ 25kg
Time: 48:23

Just trying to work around the pain in my rib and find movements that don't aggravate it too much. I'm trying to limit any sort of rotation.
Went to do a warm up on Wednesday and was in a plank position, rolled a medicine ball to my partner opposite and felt a sharp stabbing pain in my right side near my rib. It hurt, a lot. Felt like I was going to pass out and was in pain for about an hour so I iced it took some pain killers then went to bed.

Barely got through the days of Thursday and Friday, felt most comfortable lying down on my left side with my arm up over my head. Sooo depressing. Went to see my obstetrician on Thursday hoping for an explanation but she told me it was very common and advised me to take up swimming. I felt like telling her to go jump! I hate to swim. Saw a foot on the ultrasound right up under my rib...this baby will get a smack when I finally meet her for doing this to me lol

Sat 31.12.11 HF class
Told myself to just suck it up and do something. So what I have a foot in my rib. What am I going to do? Nothing? All this doing nothing is driving me crazy! So I slowly warmed up to the movements to see how they all felt and ended up doing the speed and power workout. My range of motion was greatly reduced but I got through it. Still managed to work up a sweat so it's better than nothing. Everything felt a bit painful but not in a sharp stabbing kind of way like on Wednesday. A bearable pain.

Speed and power 20:40 x 5 sets
Push press 20kg
Kettlebell swings ( did 12kg and reduced range to head height as these hurt)
Touch jumps (did air squats)
Rope shakes
Medicine ball slams (went really slow on these with 4kg ball)

                                                                 Here's me at 32 weeks

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