Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week 31...Freaking out!

I woke up the other morning and had a slight freak out. In as little as 8 weeks I will have a baby and I'll be a mum! Now I know I've had 7 months to realize this but it doesn't stop the freak outs happening. So many questions go through my head. Will I be a good mum? Will I know what to do? Will mothering instincts just kick in? Will I lose myself having to devote so much of myself to this new baby that will be totally reliant on me? How will I go with limited sleep? Will I ever have abs again? Will I even care about any of this if all my priorities change?

This week I started to experience a pain in my ribs on the right side. So off I went in search of possible answers again. A lot of movements were uncomfortable. Hell even rolling over in bed and sleeping on the right side hurt. I don't remember feeling a sudden pain during a workout I just had it over the weekend. Hence why I didn't train till Thursday and even then I had to modify most movements. I don't know if it's caused by the baby moving up into that area or whether it's muscular but I know I can't ignore it during training.

I only managed two workouts this week which was so frustrating to me, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Here they are detailed along with the modifications made.
Thursday 21.12.11 HF session
Speed and power on the minute every minute x 4 rounds
7 x dumbbell burpees 8kg
8 x kb swings 16kg
9 x sprint intervals (subbed for bike instead for whole minute)
10 x k2e (did hanging straight leg raises)
20 x air squats

Didn't get much speed or power in this workout happening. Just wanted to work up some kind of sweat.
Friday 23.12.11 PT session
Did a session with static holds to at least try and maintain strength seeing as my mobility was severly limited. Did 15 secs holds then 30 sec holds, 45 sec, 60 secs then worked back down to 45 sec, 30 sec, 15 sec.
Movements were bar hang, wall squat hold and 10kg weight plate overhead. Movements felt fine, albeit frustrating.

In the meantime I'm getting bigger by the day! Heres a pic to prove it.

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