Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 13 post partum

Ok, well to date since having bubs I haven't lost any weight :( I know sucks hey. I haven't been the best with nutrition but I haven't been the worst but I know to really see results I have to start reigning it in a bit. So I'm going to start blogging my daily nutrition. Will keep me accountable to u lovely people and will help me see where I have to reign it here goes.

Oh and please a don't judge me...believe me I give myself a hard enough time as it is.

Coconut shake
2 eggs, Tbsp carob powder, Tbsp coconut oil, coconut milk

Cappucino reg
coconut flesh from brekky coconut

Homemade chicken and corn soup (thanks mum)

Slice of homemade paleo banana and raspberry bread
Slow baked pear and raspberry with full cream
Cracked another coconut so I could eat the flesh yum!

Homemade chicken and corn soup (thanks mum)
Slow baked pear and raspberry with full cream

Also at this stage I'm not going to count calories. My focus will just be on what I eat rather than he quantity, just like I tell my clients to do :). Hopefully I'll start to feel that my body is just regulating what it needs anyway as it used to. Roughly my average calorie intake should be about 1800 calories plus add 300 for breastfeeding. This is for days that I train. For days that I don't I should be deducting 300. Keeping it all pretty simple for now.

Did thrusters started at 25kg in sets of 2 and worked up to 52.5 kg for 2. Did 4 sets at 52.5kg

Did 5, 10, 15, 20, 20, 15, 10, 5
of plyometric push ups
box jumps 20 inch
Time: 10:45 or 11:45 not sure

Just a heads up...I don't vary my diet much as you'll soon notice, especially now atht I'm limited for time with Jetta. So I think this for blog might get old pretty fast lol

Coconut shake
2 eggs, Tbsp carob powder, Tbsp coconut oil, coconut milk

store bought cappuccinos x 2
activated almonds

Omelette with feta and mushrooms

Chicken and corn soup

Hour of power...partnered up with the awesome Miss Courts :)
Hang power cleans worked up to 60kg for 5 sets of 3
split jerk 3 sets of 55kg of 3 reps
Deads 3 sets of 100kg x 5 reps

Coconut shake
2 eggs, Tbsp carob powder, Tbsp coconut oil, coconut milk
omelette with feta, mushroom and olives
2 x caps

1 x cap

1/2 nandos chicken
corn on the cob


2 reps x 15 sets
bench press @ 50kg
pull ups assisted
ring dips half yellow bands

Then it all went pear shaped :( Came down with the flu and didn't train for the rest of the week and didn't keep a tab of food either. I have to admit that I did reach for the sugar for a lift...gotta be honest. No need for a panic though, tomorrow is another day right?

My Princess girl xx


  1. Hey Tysha, do you always Snack between meals?

  2. Hey Browney, yes I always do and its something that I do deliberately. I always try to keep my body fuelled so that my body can feel confident that I'm not starving it. What happens is when you don't eat every 3-4 hours your body will hold on to body fat, not feel that it can release it. It holds onto it in case you end up not eating...which is what might of happened back in caveman times :)

    Best way to think of it is this...think of your metabolism like a fire your trying to keep alight. If you were to put one big log on the fire it burns slowly, if you were to keep fuelling it with kindling it burns quicker and more efficiently. Keep feeding the fire little and often.

  3. Ok, From what I gather with the primal/paleo lifestyles, is that the snacking between meals, keeps your body constantly producing insulin, therefore not allowing your body to use the fat stored in it. Providing you are on a High Fat/Protien Low Carb diet.

    Maybe Shane can add to this?

    Have you checked out Intermitent Fasting?
