Sunday, June 24, 2012

21 days!!!

It takes how many days to form or break a habit? Been thinking about this as I'm currently trying to break one, that being my addiction to sugar. I've broken it in the past going 30 days completely sugar free. That was really hard for me then but I'm finding it much easier this time round. Day 21 and going strong. I won't say that I'll never have sugar again as that would be unrealistic, but I can do anything for 21 days. It's amazing how much clearer your head feels, how much of a sense of control you feel. The feeling of control over an addiction is such a feeling of relief, you start to think that you can win this thing, you can break the cycle.

I've had addictions before. I was addicted to nicotine smoking a packet a day for 10 years. I quit cold turkey and yes it was hard but I simple removed myself fom situations where cigarettes were. Sugar is sooo hard to avoid. Think about it...its such a social drug. We use it to celebrate, we use it to lift our mood, theres's so many ways sugar weaves its way into our lives. It's such a killer too. It''s the cause of so many health problems. I won't waffle on about the myriad of health related issues but this website does a pretty good job.

I had fab results when I gave up sugar last time. I lost weight, toned up, lost body fat and my strength and stamina improved. I found my mood was a lot more stable too. I also cut out starchy carbohydrate. Nutrition honestly doesn't have to be tricky. Just cut out sugar and you've straight away got a cleaner diet. Just try it for 21 days and you'll be amazed at how you feel. There are so many sweet substitutes that you can make to satisfy your sweet tooth. One of my faves at the moment is paleo banana bread. It's fairly high in carbohydrates due to the bananas but is ok for an occasional treat. Just ditch the honey in this recipe. I find its sweet enough with the bananas. Yum! I found it on this site.

It's really helpful for lots of healthy yummy gluten and sugar free recipes.

Also for all you chocoholics out there this one is great. Yummy Raspberry ripe. Another fav and easy as to make.

I think half the trick to staying sugar free is to be creative with your alternate healthy options, that way you don't feel like your missing out.

Try it!! Its not that hard really :)


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