Sunday, June 3, 2012

Week 16

400m run/ did bike for 600m instead 
50 squat thrusters @ 25kg
50 push up knee transitions
400m run/ bike 600m
40 squat thrusters @ 25kg
40 push up knee transitions
400m run/ bike 600m
25 squat thrusters @ 25kg
25 push up knee transitions

Time: 24:27

36 x 5 rounds
ball slams
sit ups

of front squats at 35kg
waling lunges at 25kg
weighted stair climbs @ min 20kg

Got down to the start of round 6 and Jetta had a tantrum. She sure knows when to time them lol. How can I get cranky with her though look at her...

did 4 x 200m hill sprints...killed me lol.. I used to be able to smash out at least 10....STOP!!! No more talk about what I used to be able to do. Looking forward only.

Deads 5 reps every minute increasing weight to 100kg. Did 3 sets at 100
50 reps of each
box jump 20 inch
jumping pull ups
kb swings 14kg
walking lunges
push press 20kg
wall ball 4kg
burpese full
Time: 25:27

hori row under rings hardest x 5
1 arm sled pull x 1 lap @ 45kg
back squat 60kg x 5

on the minute every minute for 30 mins

OMG legs are smashed after this like for a few days after...Nice

Didn't train in morning, should of
Just did a few sets of hang power cleans at 55kg, Felt ok but forearms are shot. I think Ive got RSI from picking Jetta up all the time. Hmmm

Did 6 sets of 10 reps of
ring dips yellow band
Push ups on rings
chest press 14kg

20 x mb slams 4kg
10 box jumps 15 inch x 10 rounds
Time : 8mins something

Rest days Sat and Sun. Planning on having a deload week next week. Will keep it mainly light and fast. My joints are feeling theses loads at the moment.


  1. You are such an inspiration Tysha. Love the picture of Jetta.

  2. awwh thanks guys. Your both pretty awesome yourselves :)
